Well, this has been a really long absence of updates recently, mostly due to workload from school. It's really getting harder and harder to find motivation to play long-term games or even update any blog in general. Seeing how incredibly important mid-terms are in DigiPen, I have to stay away from recreation stuff and focus on studying.
Everything just seems to snowball here. Grades, assignments, projects, deadlines...they keep coming incessantly, espacially for this week. I'm surprised that I'm even giving myself time to type this out. In fact I'm supposed to complete my ENG 110 assignment right now due on Friday afternoon or I'll never make it in time. Today is Wednesday btw.
We'll just have to see how my midterms goes and largely dependent on my mood, I'll come back to do another review or article. Lots of things are being researched and taught here in my school in the process of making a game, more so than I did in polytechnic due to specialization and I'm keen to whipping something out...I just don't have the time or mood to do so at the moment =(
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